Japanese National Volleyball Team

Welcome to my blog that I am dedicating to the Japanese Volleyball team.

Why do I like this team especially?
Seeing the Japanese play in 2008 impressed my a lot. Watching a team that has such a "giant" variety of heights and fighting equally with their much bigger opponents displayed a great show. Watch the match 2010 Japan vs. Brazil (Video Link Archive)

What are their skills?
The japanese volleyball team has many extreme skills. Such as: speed, perfect defense and intelligent play. They had to find a way to make up to their limited heights and the much bigger opponents.

Where are they standing in the world?
Japan is for a while now on the 3rd place at the FIVB World Ranking. Only USA (1st) and Brazil (2nd) are on top. Closely behind are Italy (4th) than with some space China (5th), Serbia (6th) and Russia (7th).

Who are the current players?
At the OGQ Tournament played a constant role: Erika Araki, Yoshie Takeshita, Saori Kimura, Yukiko Ebata, Risa Shinabe, Yuko Sano and a new face Kanoko Hirai. A bit in the background were Mai Yamaguchi, Saori Sakoda, Maiko Kano, Hitomi Nakamichi and Nana Iwasaka. Completely missing were Mizuho Ishida, Ai Yamaguchi, Kotoki Zayasu, Megumi Kurihara. But Megumi Kurihara is back!

Watch the last team foto 27.05. 2012

The heights of the japanese volleyball team: 

The Japanese volleyball team is at the Olympic Games the lowest of all nations. Their team  height average is 1,75 m/ 68,9 inch.

Name Number Height Attack Block
Kurihara, Megumi 1 187 cm 315 cm 295 cm
Araki, Erika11186 cm 308 cm 298 cm
Kimura, Saori 12 185 cm 304 cm 293 cm
Iwasaka, Nana 10 187 cm 300 cm 281 cm
Otomo, Ai 4 184 cm 312 cm 305 cm
Kano, Maiko 15 185 cm 304 cm 285 cm
Ebata, Yukiko 14 178 cm 305 cm 290 cm
Sakoda, Saori 16 175 cm 305 cm 279 cm
Shinabe, Risa 13 173 cm 295 cm 280 cm
Ishida, Mizuho 9 174 cm 301 cm 280 cm
Takeshita, Yoshie 3 159 cm 280 cm 270 cm
Nakamichi, Hitomi 2 159 cm 270 cm 256 cm

Older Team photos

Nippon 2009

What will you find on this site?
On this site you will find major informations and links to different championship videos, mainly form the japanese team. Later will be following other teams.

The video below shows the immense defense power of the japanese volleyball team. One by one is shown with their defense skills. Starting with the libero Yuko Sano and ending with Saori Kimura.

Other good team videos


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